Quartz Movement Fake Ballon Blanc De Cartier WJBL0010 Watch UK For Women

The white dial fake watch has ruby.

My friend Nicole received this polished 18k rose gold Ballon Blanc De Cartier WJBL0010 replica watch as Women’s Day present. She showed us her present yesterday. Her new wrist watch is extremely beautiful.

The 18k rose gold fake watch is decorated with diamonds.
Fake Ballon Blanc De Cartier WJBL0010 Watch With Diamonds

There are 43 bright cutting diamonds and one large ruby at 4 o’clock on the bezel. Matched with the ruby, the perfect fake watch features a red alligator leather strap. Matched with the 18k rose gold case, the white mother-of-pearl dial fake watch features 18k rose gold Roman numerals and sword-shaped hour and minute hands.

The white dial fake watch has ruby.
Fake Ballon Blanc De Cartier WJBL0010 Watch With Ruby

In the beginning, she didn’t tell us it is a replica watch, so we didn’t notice. The Swiss made replica Cartier watch applies advanced materials indeed.