Three Platinum Case Replica Watches UK For Hot Recommendation

Time is very precious, pure and eternal, while the platinum is as same as the time. Here I will recommend you three pieces of precious fake watches made from platinum.

Patek Philippe Golden Ellipse

The bright blue leather strap matches the blue dial excellently.
Blue Leather Strap Knockoff Patek Philippe

Patek Philippe chose the platinum to create its classic timepiece to pay tribute to the highest level of craftsmanship. The blue dial copy Patek Philippe Golden Ellipse was created to pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of the collection.

Omega Seamaster

The design of this Omega is quite different from other Seamaster models.
38 MM Omega Seamaster Imitation Watch

Omega released two special editions on Baselworld to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Seamaster collection. Recently it released two platinum versions to enrich the family. Omega Seamaster knockoff watch with brown leather strap sports a distinctive look of vintage and elegant style.

IWC Jubilee

This IWC watch is very distinctive and charming.
White Dial Replica IWC Watch

It is the brand’s 150th anniversary this year and the brand has released several limited editions to celebrate it. The most important one must be the IWC Pallweber special edition.